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SPRAYBRUSH: Precise Trajectory Snap Feature.

November 27, 2024

This feature enables users to position the robot’s trajectory based on three selected points on a 3D model of the part. By designating these three points, the trajectory can be fitted precisely, allowing for a 1:1 alignment with the 3D part.

Key Steps to Implement the New Trajectory

To make this happen, you’ll need to create three new points in the initial trajectory. Additionally, a new trajectory with a zero TCP (Tool Center Point) must be set up on the target points where you want the trajectory to snap. This setup ensures that the trajectory aligns precisely with the desired 3D part location.

Key Advantages of This Feature

1. Precise Alignment: With three points defining the trajectory, this functionality allows for an exact fit of the robot’s path to match the surface of any 3D part.

2. Enhanced Adaptability: The ability to set a trajectory based on specific points gives the flexibility to adjust and align with complex part geometries, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

3. Improved Workflow Efficiency: Aligning the trajectory directly on the 3D part reduces time-consuming adjustments, as the trajectory can be set accurately from the start.


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