Laboratoř robotického lakování
Naše firma Sprayvision s.r.o. zahajuje dva inovativní projekty – Laboratoř robotického lakování a Vybavení skladového hospodářství a technického zázemí pro lakovací laboratoř. První projekt cílí na ...
Our team enjoyed this year’s Car Body Painting 2024 conference! The event was dynamic, and we appreciated the fantastic response to the insightful presentation delivered by our General Manager, Petr Jahn, alongside Bruno Bourgois from Group Renault, focusing on AI-Driven Optimization of Coating Parameters.
We showcased how SprayBrush is tackling industry challenges head-on. From increasing efficiency and reducing costs to maximizing transfer efficiency in paint shops, we utilized precise line data to ensure accuracy that matched real-world results.
Thank you to everyone who joined us as we shared how our products are meeting today’s toughest demands in automotive coating!