Laboratoř robotického lakování
Naše firma Sprayvision s.r.o. zahajuje dva inovativní projekty – Laboratoř robotického lakování a Vybavení skladového hospodářství a technického zázemí pro lakovací laboratoř. První projekt cílí na ...
We are happy to share another realization in Spain🇪🇸! This time, the third plant of our great partner in Spain – Plastic Omnium Barcelona. The technology will help with process control🎛️, brush development🎨, surface thickness measurement📏 and many other daily tasks to ensure proper performance of the paint line! Spain is currently considered a very sensible place for efficient manufacturing, which reflects their willingness to introduce innovative technology! The most important thing in any organisation is of course the team and we would like to thank Mariano Llobet, David Martinez, Ruben Sanchez, Sowthriraj Dhandapani and all team members who have participated on implementation