Laboratoř robotického lakování
Naše firma Sprayvision s.r.o. zahajuje dva inovativní projekty – Laboratoř robotického lakování a Vybavení skladového hospodářství a technického zázemí pro lakovací laboratoř. První projekt cílí na ...
We’ve successfully implemented SprayCapture at OPmobility Redondela! Our product will be primarily used for process control, thickness measurement, and quality checks in production.
A special thank you to Ruben Sanchez, José Rocha, and Isabel Rodrigues for their hard work in preparing and organizing the training sessions, and for creating an incredible team to work with SprayVision.
It’s been inspiring to collaborate with such a highly skilled technical team that’s eager to leverage SprayVision for process stabilization and optimization. They’ve also embraced the opportunity to deepen their technical knowledge of robotic applications.
Looking forward to seeing the progress this team will achieve!