Laboratoř robotického lakování
Naše firma Sprayvision s.r.o. zahajuje dva inovativní projekty – Laboratoř robotického lakování a Vybavení skladového hospodářství a technického zázemí pro lakovací laboratoř. První projekt cílí na ...
We’ve recently implemented SprayCapture at Mankiewicz Coating Solutions one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality coating solutions for automotive, aviation and industrial series production.
The implementation was carried out in their application center and will be used for development activities, training and demonstration of coating behavior.
We would like to thank the entire Mankiewicz team and especially José Amilcar Backenköhler for their great cooperation during the implementation!
If you use Mankiewicz products, they would be happy to provide feedback on the technology and its possible use in your production!