Laboratoř robotického lakování
Naše firma Sprayvision s.r.o. zahajuje dva inovativní projekty – Laboratoř robotického lakování a Vybavení skladového hospodářství a technického zázemí pro lakovací laboratoř. První projekt cílí na ...
We are pleased to share the installation at Crescocito. A leading Swedish 🇸🇪 manufacturer of coating equipment focused on industrial surface technology.
If you are interested in long lasting products or customized solutions, this is the right choice.
With SprayCapture technology installed, their products could be even more efficient! One of the goals is to introduce air caps pattern control and determine the most interesting application parameters for customers.
If you are interested in seeing SprayCapture in Sweden, it is possible in the newly opened Crescocito lab! We would like to thank the whole team for the great cooperation during the implementation.